
TRIP Group

Upcoming Events

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Events designed to protect
your greatest assets – your people

Benchmark your current travel risk management processes

Access a network of TRM industry experts

Keep ahead of industry trends

Learn from real-world case studies

Network with like-minded travel risk management professionals

Have your travel risk management questions answered

Benchmark your current travel risk management processes

Access a network of TRM industry experts

Keep ahead of industry trends

Learn from real-world case studies

Network with like-minded travel risk management professionals

Have your travel risk management questions answered

Receive free event access
with TRIP Group Membership

Membership provides free access for two people to attend every TRIP Group masterclass event throughout the year and up to 70% off additional tickets

Who attends?

You will sit alongside industry-leading professionals and organisations, allowing you to network with corporations, NGOs, government departments and institutions from around the globe.


Who are the speakers?

The TRIP Group’s network comprises of industry leaders in their respective fields. Past speakers have included:

  • Former Head of MI6
  • Senior Hostage Negotiators
  • Former Head of the Counter-Terrorism Unit
  • Global Medical Directors
  • Former UK Govt Overseas Security Advisor
  • Cyber Security Experts

What is the Masterclass event format?

TRIP Group masterclasses are designed to maximise interactivity and networking. Our full-day events provide you opportunities to hear from subject-matter experts, network with fellow risk management professionals and the opportunity to take what you learn back into your organisation.

Past Speakers


Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE

Former Head of Mi6


Lord Kim Darroch KCMG

Former British Ambassador to the US


Tracy Edwards MBE

Renowned British Sailor


Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE

Renowned British Explorer


Inherent Risk




Ministry of Defence

Fleishman Hilard

Another Company

Designed to maximise
interactivity and provide


Want to bring more people?

Membership entitles you to two places at each of our masterclasses at no extra charge. However, there are times you may want to bring additional guests.

Additional places can be purchased for a one-off fee of £110 + VAT, per person, per event.

Sign up to The TRIP Group to access Previous Events

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